The Kynaatt ProjectKýnaatt-Hakexćo

The Kynaatt ProjectKýnaatt-Hakexćo

Welcome to The Kynaatt Project! Etaabye kohý Kýnaatt-Hakexćo!

Flag representing the Kynaatt Language
Flag representing the Kynaatt Language

Kynaatt - A language for all

Kynaatt (pronounced /kɪnaːt/ "kih-naht") is a constructed language of the Kyna-Mijriian Language Family, itself a constructed language family. A constructed language is simply that, a language created by someone from scratch or from a basis of another language.

Kynaatt has a long history spanning over 10 years, going through many iterations to reach the current variation of the language, the Ninth Edition (Ũũnenma Ŕx́amzẽ). The Kynaatt Project aims to consolidate all the information about Kynaatt, as well as Kynaatt resources, into one simple to navigate space. It also encourages the spread and use of Kynaatt as a language and facilitates this through easy communication with its creator, Bryson Schnaitmann, as well as through easy to use guides for utilizing it.

We hope you enjoy The Kynaatt Project and thank you for visiting our page!

Bryson Schnaitmann
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